Test materials such as coatings, construction plastics, rubber products, etc., are used outdoors to withstand the test of climate, such as comprehensive damage caused by light, cold and heat, wind and rain, bacteria, etc., and their tolerance is called weather resistance;


The industry generally refers to the weather resistance of aluminum coatings, that is, coatings;


Generally divided into: salt spray resistance, heat and humidity resistance, artificial accelerated aging resistance



Chloride ions have strong corrosion activity, resulting in strong corrosion and damage to protective coatings and polymer materials;


Characterized by simulating salt spray and other factors in the ocean atmosphere or seaside atmosphere, an aqueous solution close to the composition of seawater is placed in the salt spray box, sprayed into a mist to fill the box, and the corrosion conditions are strengthened with temperature and humidity.


Neutral salt spray test: temperature control 35 ± 2 degrees, sodium oxide solution concentration 5%, pH value 6.5—7.2; sometimes it can also be carried out with acid salt spray (required by some national standards)


There are two types of spray cycles: continuous spray or intermittent spray (mainly);


The ability of the material to withstand performance changes under high temperature and high humidity conditions;


Generally, it is the test result of the material exposed to the hot and humid conditions with a temperature of 40-60 degrees and a relative humidity of 90%-95%. After the test, the relevant performance is expressed by the percentage change from the original test board;



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